The outdoor kitchen. This kitchen tent is made of two-side coated polyester fabric in white colour, hardly inflammable in compliance with DIN 4101 B1. Both gables are removable, even partially. The side walls can be rolled up until the eave edge, each side wall has two windows and outer flap. Mountable roof ventilation on both sides of roof, fireproof chimney outlet with outer flap.
hliníkové trubky eloxované Ø 40/2 mm
antikorozní povrchová úprava
stan a konstrukce:
velikost 1 (16,8 m2): 72 kg
velikost 3 (29,4 m2): 101 kg
velikost 4 (33,9 m2): 115 kg
velikost 5 (46,4 m2): 146 kg
velikost 6 (58 m2): 168 kg
směsová tkanina (50 % bavlna, 50 % PES), 440 g/m2
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